We are looking for a few good volunteers to help young people considering a career in Human Resources. Do you remember a favorite teacher that made a difference in your academic career? Someone who put you on track to be the professional you are today? How would you like to be “that someone” to a college student?
Currently, we are looking to partner with area colleges to offer the vast array of knowledge our group possess in a variety of ways we feel would be beneficial to students and our members. Some of the opportunities we have identified include:
Classroom presenters
Volunteers in this category would offer to assist instructors with the presentation of material in the classroom. This would be an hour to hour and a half commitment during which you would present relevant Human Resource information in the classroom relating to your area of expertise.
Job Shadow
Mentors in this area would allow students the opportunity to “live a day in the life” of an HR Professional. This would be anywhere from a couple hours to a full day depending on availability. This option allows the prospective HR Professional to experience more than what they can receive in a classroom setting.
Subject Matter Experts
In this capacity the volunteer would be a resource to students. Class projects often require writing papers and preparing presentations. While the library is an excellent resource, it lacks life experience we receive working in our career on a daily basis. The commitment as a subject matter expert could be as little as a half hour interview.
This might be a partnership with a young professional or student in which you act a resource for questions they may have as a new HR Professional or HR Intern.
We all have that “project” we need to get done when we have a little extra time. The problem is we never seem to have extra time. Many colleges offer students credit for completing an internship in their area of study. While we may think of the summer/semester intern and we definitely need those opportunities, but it may also be possible to have a “project” intern.