EIHRA or NON-EIHRA members can advertise with EIHRA. There are several options available to suit your needs.
Monthly Meeting Sponsorship
Sponsorship of a monthly virtual meeting is a great way to make your business known to those who may benefit from the services or products you have to offer. The Eastern Iowa Human Resource Association (EIHRA) is comprised of about 100 human resource professionals in the Iowa City, Cedar Rapids, and surrounding area. The monthly EIHRA meetings are attended, on average, by 30-50 individuals.
Sponsorship of a meeting includes:
- An advertisement in our newsletter – Eye on EIHRA
- Acknowledgement of sponsorship on our website events calendar
- 5 minute presentation to members at the beginning of the member meeting
- Inclusion of a promotional slide in the presentation slide deck (distributed to all members afterwards)
The cost to sponsor a meeting is $150.00.
Exclusive E-mail Opportunity
Exclusive E-mail Opportunity is a great way to connect electronically to make your business known to those who may benefit from the services or products you have to offer. The Eastern Iowa Human Resource Association (EIHRA) is comprised of about 100 human resource professionals in Iowa City, Cedar Rapids and surrounding area.
An Exclusive E-mail Opportunity includes:
- Exclusive showcase of your company in a EIHRA e-blast
- Exclusive opportunity to advertise for any event, seminar, or webinar
- Opportunity to directly link from the email to your company website
The cost for an Exclusive Email Opportunity is $150.00.
Job Postings
The EIHRA website accepts advertisements for HR openings for a nominal fee per opening. The position will be posted on the website within a day or two of receiving the information. The position will remain posted for 30 days and will automatically be included in the next issue of the Eye on EIHRA Newsletter. Please email a copy of the job description and any special instructions to EyeOnEIHRA@gmail.com
The cost to post an opening is $100.00.
Event Postings
Looking for ways to get your events, seminars, networking events, and webinars to the human resource professionals in Eastern Iowa? EIHRA is your answer. For a nominal fee, the Eastern Iowa Human Resource Association (EIHRA) will post your event on the EIHRA Calendar of Events.
- Name of company/organization sponsoring event
- Name of event or seminar
- Time, date, location of event or seminar
- Description of event-to be placed on the calendar of events, must be 250 words or less
- Details to register (link, contact information, costs, etc)
The cost to post an event is $100.00.
If you would like to sponsor a meeting, have questions, and/or need more information, please use our Contact Us page, include your name, company name, billing address, and information about your business and your services or products.
Use this button to donate to EIHRA or pay for additional sponsorship/advertising