Become a Member of EIHRA
EIHRA Membership Information:
EIHRA is an affiliate of our national organization, the Society of Human Resource Management. Membership in EIHRA is over 100 members and growing. As of April 8th, 2024, registration and payments will be completed through SHRM National. It is a great benefit to belong to both the local and national organization!
Joining EIHRA and SHRM National:
- If you are already a member of EIHRA and not a member of SHRM, SHRM is offering a 50% for the first year you join. You will receive specific instructions on how to access this special offer along with a one-time use a promotional code from the Chapter. Do not register for SHRM Dual membership before receiving it.
- Visit the SHRM website to complete registration and payment. Once this is completed, SHRM sends EIHRA an email to let us know that we have a new member or a renewal. If you are a new member, we will then create a profile and temporary password for you, which will be shared with you in your welcome email.
SHRM Membership | Better Your Career & Workplace
Why Join?
Benefits of Membership – EIHRA:
- Meetings: EIHRA offers meaningful programs that are typically held the 2nd Tuesday or Thursday of each month via Zoom. We also offer quarterly in-person meetings to cover topics that are relevant to the HR field. Locations, meeting times, and featured speakers are announced in our monthly newsletter and advertised on the main page of this EIHRA website. Simply RSVP online directly next to the meeting announcement! If you are a member, there typically is no additional cost to attend our monthly meetings. On occasion, however, there are additional costs required to cover added expenses or guests.
- Newsletter: Our chapter newsletter, Eye on EIHRA, is emailed monthly to members providing a direct link into our website. This newsletter is full of information on chapter activities, as well as updates on members who have changed jobs or moved. We also share with you local activities related to Human Resources or advertise for non-profit organizations that may assist your employees in various areas. Active members may place “seeking employment” ads in this newsletter for no charge. Members may also advertise open HR positions within their organization for a nominal fee.
- Membership Directory: The EIHRA Membership Directory is available online. All active members can access this information using their personal login information. A full listing of members and their contact information is available through the directory. This is an excellent way to network and connect with individuals in your field or seek advice from experts in another area within Human Resources. Many members use the membership roster to locate contacts at other companies when they are seeking information on best practices, salary surveys, employment, etc.
- Professional Development: EIHRA offers a number of other programs tailored to HR professionals. Our Legal Series is an excellent source of applied knowledge related to the laws governing employers. Through programs like Professional Development and Diversity, members have opportunities to attend various conferences and roundtables. The Rewarding Employment program allows members to reach out to local schools to help prepare students for the workforce. In addition, the various committees within EIHRA are always looking for volunteers.
Networking: Membership in EIHRA is a great way to get in touch with the best Human Resource professionals in the area. We try to foster a social atmosphere at all of our meetings and encourage members to utilize these events to make new contacts within our ever-growing field. EIHRA provides exposure to other HR professionals and companies revealing how other organizations handle various human resource situations, procedures, policies, etc. EIRHA provides the forum to stay connected with students and recent graduates for internship and entry-level Human Resource opportunities. What a perfect way to fill the pipeline and keep our talented young professionals in Iowa!
Recertification Credits: EIHRA sponsors annual study groups for those members who pursue certification through HRCI or SHRM. Sixty credit hours must be accumulated during the three-year recertification cycle. Credit hours can be obtained through continuing education, instruction, on-the-job experience, research and publishing, leadership, and professional membership in a national HR professional association. HRCI and SHRM randomly audit recertification applications, so certificates should retain all supporting documentation for at least six months after successful recertification. By attending our monthly meetings, you have an opportunity to earn many of these credit hours.
National SHRM Affiliate Benefits: SHRM members receive all national SHRM mailings and have access to the national organization’s resources. This includes free webcasts, SHRM magazine, conference information, Human Resource templates, white papers, research and much more.
Become a Chapter Member – Sign up today! Questions about membership should be directed to our membership chair, Amber Hoff.
Membership in EIHRA is a great way to get in touch with the best Human Resource professionals in the area. We try to foster a social atmosphere at all of our meetings and encourage members to utilize these events to make new contacts within our ever growing field. EIHRA provide exposure to other HR professionals and companies revealing how other organizations handle various human resource situations, procedures, policies, etc. EIRHA provides the forum to stay connected with students and recent graduates for internship and entry level Human Resource opportunities. What a perfect way to fill the pipeline and keep our talented young professional in Iowa!
Recertification Credits
EIHRA sponsors annual study groups for those members who pursue certification through HRCI or SHRM. Sixty credit hours must be accumulated during the three-year recertification cycle. Credit hours can be obtained through continuing education, instruction, on-the-job experience, research and publishing, leadership, and professional membership in a national HR professional association. HRCI and SHRM randomly audit recertification applications, so certificates should retain all supporting documentation for at least six months after successful recertification. By attending our monthly meetings, you have an opportunity to earn many of these credit hours.
Joining EIHRA and SHRM National:
- If you are already a member of EIHRA and not a member of SHRM, SHRM is offering a 50% for the first year you join. You will receive specific instructions on how to access this special offer along with a one-time use a promotional code from the Chapter. Do not register for SHRM Dual membership before receiving it.
- Visit the SHRM website to complete registration and payment. Once this is completed, SHRM sends EIHRA an email to let us know that we have a new member or a renewal. If you are a new member, we will then create a profile and temporary password for you, which will be shared with you in your welcome email.
SHRM Membership | Better Your Career & Workplace