We would like to extend a huge thank you to our 2025 EIHRA sponsors.

We couldn’t do it without you!

Check out our EIHRA 2025 Schedule of Events!

2025 is proving to be an exciting year! Save these dates so you don’t miss out!

Iowa SHRM 2024 State Conference was AMAZING, it was great to see so many EIHRA members there and many of you volunteered! Thank you for Representing EIHRA so well!  Great food, a really fun exhibitor reception with incredible food (mac & cheese bar, and a waffle dessert bar and many other choices!) and a piano player/singer who even took time to do some HR Parody songs for us (and they were funny!). There were Two very Inspirational Key Note speakers, a fantastic pre-conference session on Wednesday and then 48 different speakers for breakout sessions, Earning up to 14 SHRM CE Credits in 3 days! Safe the date for Next YEAR, its October 8,9,10 in Des Moines! Meanwhile enjoy these fun pictures of a few of the EIHRA members having some fun!

The August EIHRA Member Meet & Greet was so much fun!
We hope to see you at the next one! 

Unwinding with HR people did indeed make Monday Fun again!

Recent News


Creating a collaborative community to serve HR practitioners and further their professional development.


To be the most reliable resource for HR practitioners and the most relevant voice of our profession in our community.

Member Benefits

EIHRA is an affiliate of our national organization, the Society of Human Resource Management. Membership in EIHRA is around 200 members and growing. Membership is offered to both national SHRM members and members who wish to belong on a “local only” basis. It is a great benefit to belong to both the local and national organization.

We are an affiliate of the Society for Human Resource Management. Whether you are new to the HR field or have many years of experience, we are a local starting point for networking, information, professional development and continued support of excellence in Human Resources.

We welcome your use of this site as a resource, and encourage you to check back frequently for updated information. We also encourage your involvement and suggestions about all of our activities, on the web and off.

We look forward to seeing you at an upcoming meeting or event!


EIHRA offers anything from legislative updates to how to get connected with area students studying human resources.

If you can’t find something on our website, please don’t hesitate to contact us.